There is one question that I want to ask you all, there is one question that I want you all to ask yourself "Who are you?" The one that is seen by the world or the one who you want to be seen by the world? The one that you are with everybody or the one that you are with yourself? "Who are you?" Don't be scared this is not a quiz, for answering this question you have a full life with you. And the truth is I was also too scared to give the answer to this question. Although now I know myself better but there was the time when I used to see myself with the view of the entire world. There was a time when what people think of me would matter more than what I think. In childhood, we learn about manners, good manners, the way of talking, the way of living. Have you ever thought why? Maybe because we would look good around everyone. Our manners, our habit should be matched with everyone. But sometimes to make equality between people we forget the quality in our self which makes us different from everybody.A QUESTION OF EVERY TEENAGER |
In junior school, almost everybody used to tease me nurde where I always wanted to learn more but for everybody it was uncool. Then started my high schools and like every teenager, I tried to fit in. I tried to become like what everybody is. Like, everybody, I tried to make new friends but because I was an introvert I wasn't able to talk to everybody but whenever someone comes to talk to me I always help them out. I made a lot of new friends and in between trying to become like everybody I lost myself. I lost what I really was.
But there is a magic in your eyes as when they try to remember that past you, it remains in your mind and while remembering that past me I was not able to identify myself or else I had lost that me in the world. And to create changes in your life you don't need to have that big fire small fire is enough. But then I know what I had to do next that dreams had to be fulfilled and that's where I exactly strike to a question "who I am?".
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